Electromechanical Level Sensors are typically used for point-level detection, indicating whether the liquid level is above or below a certain threshold. They are suitable for measuring the level of liquids in various storage vessels, such as tanks, sumps, and containers.

These sensors offer advantages such as simplicity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. They are not affected by factors like temperature, pressure, or vapor. Electromechanical Level Sensors are commonly used in applications where continuous level monitoring is not required, but rather the detection of high or low-level conditions is sufficient.

Electromechanical Level Sensors are available in different designs, including vertical-mounted floats, horizontal-mounted floats, and cable/rod-mounted floats, to suit different installation requirements and liquid properties. They can be configured with different switch types, such as normally open or normally closed, to accommodate specific application needs.

When selecting and installing Electromechanical Level Sensors, it’s important to consider factors such as the liquid properties, vessel geometry, mounting options, and the specific requirements of the milling process. Proper positioning, adjustment, and periodic maintenance are necessary to ensure accurate and reliable level detection.