The required sensors in your weather station

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Wind Speed Sensor With Pulse Output 01

More Details About Huawei Weather Station

The standard sensors that are used for the Huawei weather station are as follows:

  • Irradiance Sensor or PV Pyranometer, with Modbus RTU output, that measures radiation, is also used as a Reference Cell due to its high measuring accuracy. Taking into consideration that the use of this PV Pyranometer is crucial for measurement in solar applications. The SEVEN irradiance sensor is designed as a sensor box as it contains an internal cell temperature sensor to measure the compensated irradiation value. It has also up to five input ports for additional sensors, and an output port connected to the Smartlogger via a RS485 cable.
  • Ambient temperature Sensor is important to see how production is affected by temperature. Besides, the temperature formed in the panel can vary considerably from the ambient temperature. So, this sensor provides valuable data for the analysis of the PV Plant.
  • Module Temperature Sensor, which is generally used to measure the temperature of surfaces. It is located under the PV panel and provides the module temperature. By monitoring the temperature, The Module Temperature is one of the factors used to caluclate the Performance Ratio.
  • Wind Speed Sensor is a device used to measure the wind speed and provides the data obtained to Huawei Smartlogger.
  • Wind Direction sensor, is used to determine the orientation of the wind.

In addition, other sensors can be connected to SEVEN Irradiance Sensor such as the humidity sensor, which is used to measure the relative humidity in a photovoltaic plant.

Once the sensors are connected to the Smartlogger, the monitoring system begins to operate, using Enspire and NetEco or Fusionsolar to monitor Huawei’s weather station. Then, Performance Ratio of customer’s investment will be easy to monitor.


Configuration in Fusion Solar

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